Friday, March 31, 2017

Reward Time

We have rewards at our school for positive things we do. Today the children in our class who didn't get any warnings this term and who are always good  and who do the right thing got to have a special treat. 
 Two of the year 8 girls made scones with jam and cream for us and we could have a chocolate or strawberry milkshake with icecream in it. Not all the people who got the reward are in this picture.
The teachers are really proud of us as we always do our best work, try really hard, listen and follow instructions. They really appreciate having kids like us and wanted to thank us!!!
NZ Writing Project
We had lots of fun working on metaphors for this. There was lots of laughing and fun. When we posted our parcel we put in some things about Greymouth and what there is to do here so that they could see and learn about where we live. 

We can't wait until the parcel arrives from our partner school. This poster was also lots of fun to do and we loved finding out who could and couldn't curl their tongue.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Swimming Sports
Last Monday we had swiming sports, there were lots of races for overarm, backstroke, lengths, widths and for some kids kick boards and floating. We do it in groups
After the sports were over we had some free time at the pool having fun before we caught the bus back to school for lunch. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Personal Shields

We have been looking into our ancestry and things that are important and relelvant to us. We looked at symbols of things, colours that are important to us  and tried to find out things about our surname

We all designed our own coat of arms.
Life Education Caravan
This week we have had the Life Education Caravan at our school. Carmen has been teaching us about healthy lucnch boxes, making healthy choices about our food and blowing our nose.
Some of us aer working on making screencastify pieces about how to blow your nose so look out for these in the near future.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Our Class

Our class is Room 4. We are luck in that it is near the library and the hall. It is really light and airy and all the windows open on hot days.

There aer 23 students in our class and we are years 3, 4 and 5. We started the year doing lots of tests to identify where we are  in our learning and the next steps and goals  for us to move on to. Our teachers are Mrs Sutherland Monday to Thursday , on Fridays we have Mr Clark.
Art Techniques

We had a whole school art day where we learnt some basic art techniques. First we had to choose the shape we wanted to use for our art. Next we learnt to sketch so that if we needed to make changes we were not committed and could rub out. Then we used black to go over our drawing and create our outline. Once this was done we revised the correct way to hold a paint brush and wipe off excess dye before painting. We had to make sure that we painted inside the lines and did not let the dye run. We had to be able to explain our art and the reason we choose to that picture and what it meant.

We have been doing some work in the class about ourselves. When we finish this we share the work and have learnt heaps about each other. It is great to get to know our new classmates but sad that some people have moved on. We still get to do things together at break time. 
One of the things we did was do a birthday wall so we can know when to celebrate these.

We have researched and found out our start signs and the traits that go with this.
So that everyone knows who we are we also constructed a model of our skeleton using split pins. This gave us the chance to add movement to our skeletons.

Duffy Show 
On Friday there was a Duffy show. At the Duffy show we learned about the climate change and how we can help. The Duffy show was really cool because we learned about a really big problem in the world and how we can help it, and how reading can help in ways too.