Monday, March 6, 2017

Our Class

Our class is Room 4. We are luck in that it is near the library and the hall. It is really light and airy and all the windows open on hot days.

There aer 23 students in our class and we are years 3, 4 and 5. We started the year doing lots of tests to identify where we are  in our learning and the next steps and goals  for us to move on to. Our teachers are Mrs Sutherland Monday to Thursday , on Fridays we have Mr Clark.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 4, Thank you fro sharing a bit about your class. You are so lucky to be close to the hall and library and have such a bright a colourful classroom. It must be great having two teacher. What is your favourite thing about your classroom?

    From MIss Davis


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